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The game does not work for me.

Is there a 32 bit export of the game?

Hi man. Very nice. Can you share your code or can we make something together? Im interested about game mechanics because i want make a game like this.


Hello sorry for the late reply, unfortunately I cannot send you the code since it has some paid assets from various sites. But if you have some question or need some help I will try to help you as much as I can.

Im trying make a game like yours, but your code for move, mage fire around it is so perfect, because this i talk about the code. My movement is not perfect like yours :(

Send me your email so we can communicate their and I will try to help you as much as I can.


I'm really impressed by how well made the characters are in this game. Although it uses 3 classical character archetypes, it manages to do so in a refreshing and satisfactory manner.Being able to spec your character in a different way adds an additional layer of complexity. This game is challenging to say the least, but I genuinely enjoyed playing it. Great job!


I found the game really amusing and interesting. Great game.


Awesome game. I really enjoyed playing it. Keep up the good work bro !